Research on my work
Mangalanayagam, Nina (2015) Living with contradictions: re-reading the representation of hybridity in visual art. Doctoral thesis in philosophy. University of Westminster. London.
Arbouz, Daphne (2011) Spaces of in-between ‘Hybridity’, self-identification and agency of change in personal narratives of non-belonging. Master’s thesis in gender studies. Centre for Gender Studies. Lund University.
Lectures / public art / articles /seminars / conferences / radio calls (2010-2015)
Anckarsvärd, Jakob, “OWNED at Studio 44”, article in The Arts (Konsten): journal on contemporary Arts, 2013-03-19.
Bergander, Kenny, ”Det blev ju som ett landmärke för Telefonplan”, interview in Bättre Stadsdel, 2015-03-31.
Blomkvist, Olle, ”Artwork will help the police solve crimes”, interview in New technology (Ny teknik), 2011 nr. 43.
Boemio, Camilla, “Hidden Cities & hybrid Identities”, review in Papale – Papale: settimanale di attualità senza infingimenti, 2012, nr. 17.
Brunzell, Agneta, ”Mixed themes on Kvarnen Gallery”, interview in Hälsinge Kuriren, 2010-10-30.
Conference (2011):“Cosmopolitanism in a Wider Context: conceptual Past and Present”, lectures on the concept cosmopolitan, Södertörn University, Stockholm, 24-26/11.
Debate (2014): SKL Culture Conference, conversation on art and collaboration along with Claes Hultling and moderator Ann Lagerström. Umeå, 6/10.
Dupont, Linn, ”Konstfack opens its annual spring show”, interview at Sweden’s television (SVT):culture news (Kulturnyheterna),2010-05-23.
Eneberg, Malèn, ”Camelmoose was laminated in Nyköping”, article in Tidning Nyköping, 2009-05-12.
Eriksson, Charlotta, ”Roundaboutmoose at Telefonplan”, article in Dagens Nyheter, 2009-05-14.
Falck, Mats, “Snart skuttar kamälgen iväg till sin nya plats”, interview in tidningen Bättre Stadsdel, 2015-03-18.
Farnsworth, Alexander, “Först ser man en kamel?”, interview in tidningen Bättre Stadsdel, 2015.
Gunne, Nina, “Camelmoose adorns roundabout”, article in Arkitekten, 2009 nr. 6.
Göransson, Hanna,”Konstfack Spring Exhibition opened”, article in Tidningen Metro, 2009-05-13.
Hedquist, Christina, ”Collaboration between artists and the police”, interview in Hela hälsingland, 2011-08-20.
Hedqvist, Christina, ”Arts that combines”, interview in Hälsinge Kuriren, 2010-11-01.
Hedquist, Christina, ”Art Meeting in roundabout”, interview in Hälsinge Kuriren, 2009-05-14.
Hellman, Cyril, ”Camelmoose represents encounters between cultures”, interview in Situation Stockholm, 2009 nr. 6.
Herlitz, Sara, ”Global Week: global migration”, review at The University of Gothenburgs official website.
Hughes, Rolf & Sunden, Jenny (Red.) (2011). cover on Second Nature: Origins and Originality in Art, Science, and New Media. Stockholm. Axl books.
Hällsten, Martin, article in ”Camelmoose”, ETC, 2010 nr.
Ihmels, Yvonne, ”Gamla kompisar och nya vänner”, review in Kulturtidskriften Cora, 2015-04-16.
Ihmels, Yvonne, ”Mixed Art Mixed Races”, interview in Kulturtidskriften Cora, 2011 nr. 25.
Kempe, Jessica, ”Konstfack plays and dreams”, interview in Daily News (Dagens Nyheter), 2010-05-23.
Lefvert, Märta, article in ”Konsten finns nära dig”, Mitt i Söderort Liljeholmen, 2011-08-30.
Lefvert, Märta,“Nytt ljus över hembygden: Konstnärer fyller Lerkrogen i Älvsjö med verk om identitet och ursprung”, interview in Mitt i Söderort Liljeholmen, 2012, nr. 22.
Lecture (2015): “Being part of a negotiation: on how we relate to identities that find themselves in transit position”, lecture on how artistic practices can be used to explore new cultural and social phenomena, by Linda Shamma, Konstepidemin, Gothenburg, 17/3.
Lecture (2013): “Notions of a hybrid”, perspectives on research through artistic practices, “Intercultural communication” (mastercourse 7,5 hp.), KTH/CHC, Stockholm, 28/2.
Lecture (2013): “Working with concepts”, on how to use concepts as tools in artistic practices, “Language and Material” (mastercourse 7,5 hp.), Konstfack, Stockholm, 4/3.
Lecture (2012): Lecture on artistic practice by Linda Shamma as representative of Konstfack. Researchers from different disciplines and institutions lectures on their research at “Forskarfredag”, an event coordinated by Association Science & the Public (Vetenskap & Allmänhet, VA) and supported financially by the European Commission (EU-kommissionen), the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) and VINNOVA. Debaser Medis, Stockholm, 28/9.
Lecture (2012): “All that was left …” / “Our inexorable quest on the original form” lecture on the origins and originality by Linda Shamma and Frida Hållander, workshop at Lund University, Tornblad Institute – Embryo-logical Department, Lund, 26-27 /1.
Lecture (2011): “Notions of a hybrid”, lecture by Linda Shamma, “Research Inquiry” (mastercourse 7,5 hp.), Konstfack, Stockholm, 15/11.
Lecture (2011): “Modus operandi – studies on forensic narrative”, lecture by Linda Shamma followed by conversation along with Sven-Olof Sandqvist, the police’s technical squad Gävleborg and Nina Weibull, art curator, Stockholm University, Konstfack, Stockholm, 08/12.
Mandaric, Josefina, ”Art Week Stockholm featuring A New Location For Art Supermarket”, Artlyst, 2015-04-18.
Modig, Lennart, ”Vårsalongen 2010”, Sweden’s television (TV4), Nyhetsmorgon, 2010-01-29.
Mårtens, Ann, ”Dog, fox or camel?”, interview in Konstperspektiv, 2010-09-10.
Mårtens, Ann, “Power plugs “warms the Camoose”, interview in Kulturtidskriften Cora, 2009 nr 8.
“Notions of a hybrid”, article in MIX: The magazine for colour, design & trends from global color research, 2010 nr. 21, London.
Olofsson, Anders, ”Vårsalongen 2010 at Konstfack”, article in, 2010-05-23.
Pehrson, Charlotte, ”Hybrid identity”, interview in Tidningen VI, 2009 nr. 8.
Poellinger, Clemens, ”Snabbspolning genom konsten”, interview in SvD, , 2015-04-18.
Public call (2010): “Jewelry in a political context “ conversation on the Middle East conflict arranged by the international exhibition project I Care A Lot, and Platina Gallery, Stockholm, 03/7.
Public call (2010): KONSTLAB, “What is held in memory of the projects that did not happen?” Lecture by Linda Shamma on Artistic Development project “hybridity through artistic practice,”. Arranged by Atalante in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Gothenburg, Atalante, Gothenburg, 21/03.
Public call (2010): “Betweenship in Sweden today”, presentation on “On the origin of Oophagavicentei × Oophaga pumilio” and “Oophaga vicentei × Oophaga pumilio” at Multicultural center, Fittja, Sweden, 24 /10.
Radio Call (2010): interview at Swedish Radio P3 Culture, “For Sweden – With the times”, conversations about the Swedish traditions and monarchy with Linda Shamma Ostrand, Patrik Söderstam, Mia Lindgren and David Frimark, by Johanna Koljonen. Stockholm, SVR P3,15/7.
Radio Call (2009): interview at Swedish Radio P1: Tendens,“Where are you from dear?”, about growing up as children of parents from two different countries, with Linda Shamma, Angelica Tibblin Chen and Jesper Hiro, by Cecilia Mora, Stockholm, SVR P1, 14/12.
Radio Call (2009): interview at Swedish Radio P4:God morgon Stockholm, “Roundabout work is inaugurated”, 05/12.
Rehnberg, Anna, “Konstnär och forskare – två världar möts”, interview in Tidningen Curie, 2015.
Rosencrantz, Ebba, “Nu ska Lindas älghybrid flytta”, interview in Tidningen Liljeholmen/Älvsjö, 2015.
Seminar (2012): conversation and artist talk on the concept of folklore (hembygd) and how it connects to our understanding of local history, tradition and place. Arranged by ÄGD konst – hembygd – identitet, in conversation with Jan Nordwall, General Secretary of the Swedish Local Heritage Federation, Magnus Bons, art critic, Nicholas Smith, associate professor of philosophy at Södertörn University, Tove Stenius pole. Laws. at Lund University. Älvsjö, 24/10, 28/10.
Seminar (2012): seminar on artistic methods by Leif Dahlberg and sidekick Linda Shamma Östrand (Phd. Course Research Methods in Media Technology and Human-Computer Interaction), CSC/KTH, Stockholm, 12/11.
Seminar (2012): Seminar and workshop at Campus in Camps, an educational program that aims at transgressing, without eliminating, the distinction between camp and city, refugee and citizen, center and periphery, theory and practice, teacher and student. Presentation of the participants in Campus in Camps followed by a common discussion on themes and methods. Bethlehem, Palestine, 08/11.
Ström, Viktor, “Charitable fast growers”, article on entrepreneurship knowledge and growth in Sweden today. Presentation of this year’s Gazelle. Article in Dagens industri (DI) from conference arranged by DI 4/6, 2012.
Supervising and guest teaching (2013):“Language and Material” (mastercourse 7,5 hp.), Konstfack, Stockholm, 25/2 – 28/3.
Symposium (2012): Symposium on Art, Design & Science for researchers who share an interest in how creative and academic practices in art and design relate to overall scientific practices at KTH, KTH R1, Stockholm, 30/3.
Symposium (2012): The Research Councils (Vetenskapsrådets) symposium on artistic research 2012. Talks on artistic research based on the terms concepts, context, experiments, methodology, claims, affidavit and evaluation, KTH R1, Stockholm, 30/11.
Thelning, Anna. ”Linda Shamma Östrand”, interview in People Stockholm, 2010-05-23.
Tonström, Eva, “Hembygden – uppdaterad”, interview in Tidningen Liljeholmen Älvsjö, 2012, nr. 42.
Wikström, Sanna & Ronge, Johan, “In the line of fire in Söderhamn”, review in Gefle Dagblad, 2011-09-03
Östrand, Linda Shamma (2014). “Notions of a hybrid”. Article published by Linköping University.
Östrand, Linda Shamma (2010). “On the origin of Oophaga vicentei x Oophaga pumilio.