Functional silence, video installation presented at Modern Dance Theater 2013. Still from video. Photo: Jörgen Lindskog.
The video installation involves a combination of different representational forms and has so far included a combination of video, sound and performance art. The narrative is geographically anchored to the West Bank and applies to my own memories and the question of how they might relate to the collective memory constituted by globalization and mass media. The project was developed after a preliminary study carried out in October 2012 when I, along with some other artists and architects, traveled to Palestine to Israel, and Jordan to visit some (for me familiar) places as a tourist. The story portrays a meeting between myself, daughter of a Palestinian, and a friend of mine who have Israeli parents. The encounter takes place in Jerusalem and lays out the basis for a story that covers a range of critical stages related to our various backgrounds. In the video is portrayed problems that have arisen in connection with the Middle East conflict from a personal perspective. Functional silence highlights reflections on how traditions are constituted in close family relationships and how they are passed on for generations.
The work was presented the Modern Dance Theater in Stockholm (MDT), Vimmerby Art community, Malmö Community Hall, 2013, Sala, Kungsgården and Multicultural centre in Fittja on the theme “Beware of race” (“Varning för ras”). In addition, a short essay was published by The Royal Institute of Art 2013 (“Aspectivity – The History of Seeing and Representation”).
The work includes a collaboration with Mario Romero, associate professor of human-computer interaction at the Institute of High Performance Computing and Visualization (HPCViz) at KTH and Jörgen Lindskog, filmmaker active within the film industry in Sweden and internationally. The cooperation aims overall to develop new insights on what can arise when different media expression and technologies are put into interaction.
Nestor, Linnéa, “Samtidskonst möter hembygd”, interview in Vimmerby tidning 2013.