Permanent sculpture
Material: Concrete and glass
Size: 1,2 m.
The sculpture is a modern representative of the Virgin Mary and was implemented at Vårfrukyrkans belfry in Fruängen, Stockholm (2012) on commission by the Swedish Church (Brännkyrka förening).
Articles on the project
Aronsson, Erik, ”Jungfrun i Fruängen”, interview in Cementa, 2014.
Malmström, Kari, “She would do the impossible”, interview in Brännkyrkabladet, 2013.
Malmström, Kari, “On how our Maria was built”, interview in Brännkyrkabladet, 2013.
Rohlin, Sofia, “A modern interpretation of the Virgin Mary”, interview in Hela Hälsingland, 2013.